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Embodied Mindfulness

Presence, Play & Possibility Part II

  • 28 Mar 2025
  • 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
  • online



Presence, Play & Possibility Part II

Personal healing and transformation come from consciousness, from being more self-aware. The role of the "healing partner" in Hakomi is to support this emerging awareness, especially of the psomatic habits that keep someone from being truly present and from relating to present experience with as much wisdom and resourcefulness as possible.

Our winter online training expands on Donna Martin’s fall training in which we began to explore Presence as phase one of a session. What is Presence? It’s an embodied state of wisdom which creates a safe context for the healing journey. Next, we studied Intentional Practice as phase two of a session. This is a way to play with embodied habits and patterns. Phase three is Possibility. This is an invitation to cultivate the capacity to recognize new embodiment, to assist someone to respond creatively to life. The question we explored in the third phase of a session was: what else is possible?

Part II of the training will home in on psomatic experiences in consciousness as methods specifically intended to support someone on their journey to remember wholeness and live a more aware and resourced life.

The three modules are experiential and based on practices from Donna Martin's Psoma version of the Hakomi method. It's not necessary to have participated in the fall training to benefit from the winter training because the fundamentals will be revisited and then built upon. New, beginning, and advanced students of Hakomi are welcome in this unique multi-level training opportunity.

Time: 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Eastern

Dates: February 28, March 28, April 25

Cost: $65 (CAD) plus HST per session

Please Note Our Cancellation Policy:  No refunds will be issued. If you cancel at least 7 days in advance, your payment will become a credit for future events.